Gas Supply Management

Gas Alberta Inc.'s staff is experienced in all aspects of managing natural gas supplies, from contracting with gas suppliers through to delivery to customers. The Company and its customers, gas suppliers and transmission pipeline companies have a proven record of providing a seamless network from producers to end-users.

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Value-added Services

Gas Alberta Inc. provides a wide range of value-added programs and services to its customers. From core services, such as gas deliveries and pipeline balancing, to cost-sharing programs, such as meter station operations and emergency supplies, the programs and services we manage have become an integral part of our customers’ operations.

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Industrial Transportation

Gas Alberta and its customers add tremendous value to Alberta’s rural industrial sector by providing gas transportation service for large industrial consumers, such as those operating in the oil, gas and forestry sectors. This service enables industrial consumers to supply natural gas to their facilities that they have either produced at another location or procured through a third party.

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